
The Snake of Rakuza


Full NameKaito 'Hebi' Shinoda
NicknameKai, Hebi
RaceHyur (Midlander)
Marital StatusSingle
SexualityBisexual (male leaning)
EyesHis glasses are almost always on, hiding eyes of pitch, inky black that seem to suck in anyone who dares to look for too long. Glasses makes him look far more friendly, and far more difficult to read.
HairSlightly wavy, cut short, and occasionally tousled back with matte styling clay for work. He will switch from his natural dark brown hair to a pale blonde every now and again.
Body ShapeMesomorphic; muscular with strong legs.
TattoosKaito has a Doman style tattoo on his right arm that depicts a mix of water, fire, and smoke. He doesn't know what exactly it stands for or what it symbolizes, as each tattoo given by the gang's hired tattoo artist is designed uniquely for the recipient without their say.
Injuries:Given how many fights he deals with, Kaito is littered with sword marks and gunshot scars from his hands to his feet. One particularly harsh scar goes up along the back of his leg, leaving a dent in the skin.
Fighting StyleKaito's fighting style is unpredictable and chaotic, focusing primarily on speed, endurance, and flexibility while specializing in grapples, sharp, strategic punches, and throws to overwhelm his opponents quickly. He allies well with people who cover his weaknesses; men/women who are bigger, strong, and generally have high constitutions.
ReligionThe Kami
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Positive TraitsNegative Traits
DETERMINED: he is not one to give up something simply due to the possibility of failure or the existence of obstacles. Chances are, he does something specifically because he knows there's a chance of success, so long as he fulfills the necessary variables for said success.COLD: Kaito is not one to show his genuine emotions up front, nor is he one to sympathize with the plights of others. He can't if he's to be at all successful at what he does. If anything, he considers most people to be rather simple and easy to 'manage' for his own goals.
RESOURCEFUL: in fights and in his daily life, Kaito knows how to utilize his surroundings or people to his advantage. Even a thrown-out tin can has the possibility of being used as a weapon.CAUTIOUS: with his analytical nature comes his aversion to impulsivity. If he doesn't have enough time to analyze a situation or thinks it's a battle that isn't worth his time, he can become disinterested and abandon those dealing with that issue. He can get quite angry if others place him in such situations by force.
CONFIDENT: he has been humbled quite a few times in his life, but with his successes, he's found a sense of sureness with his decisions, primarily because he knows he's done what he could to avoid potential failure. He shares the mantra of "it doesn't matter the result, so long as you go to sleep at night knowing you've done absolutely everything you could have."VIOLENT: it's not at all surprising that someone like Kaito would be rather violent. Sadism runs in his family line, and so does his need to psychologically torment scared people to get what he wants out of them or from them. For him, it is no different than a writer needing a pen, or a dog groomer needing a pair of scissors to cut fur; he considers it an effective and necessary tool, that is equally satisfying and enjoyable.
CHARISMATIC: Kaito was trained from a young age how to appeal to others and seem likable, even if you're actually an asshole. He considers meetings, jobs, and other such events to be no different than an actor going off to work in a play, and as such, it is his job to play the part of a charming 'businessman'. He can fake his sadness, guilt-trip even the kindest of souls, and will take advantage of the desperate.STICKLER: you do not break Kaito's routine unless you have a death wish. He wakes up at the same time every day, usually eats the same things, has specific outfits to wear every day, and a particular training regimen. He even uses the same pen for any contracts or note-taking, and if he loses it then all hell can quickly break loose.
ANALYTICAL: has always preferred predictability in his surroundings, probably because he never got it as a child. Most of what he does and what he says has been considered and thought on extensively a few minutes or a few days before. Plans are rarely impulsive. He enjoys analyzing others as well, like how one would read the stock market. He predicts certain combative or social outcomes by following behavioral patterns he's gathered during interactions or before. Chances are, he already knows he's going to lose or win before the first fist is ever thrown his way, which makes him more likely to flee or push 'frontlines' without ego getting in the way.DISHONEST: It isn't surprising that Kaito is fairly dishonest in his work and everyday life. Even small details that wouldn't typically be hidden can suddenly turn into a rolling lie with numerous carefully considered layers. If someone asks if they're in trouble, he'll be the first to say 'absolutely not' to their terrified face just before enacting the punishment. What's crueler is that he does so with a genuine smile.
Neutral TraitsFLIRTATIOUS: Kaito was raised in an environment where people used their charm and looks to get on people's good side. He is no different, and he can be rather smooth or sly during conversations, especially if he has something to gain out of being flirtatious -- whether this is sex, money, or professional improvement.



SCAM ARTIST UPBRINGING | Kaito was primarily raised by his father, who was a Garlean scam artist with quite the backing and fortune. He grew up learning the importance of money, and how to manipulate others in numerous ways to get what you want in life, regardless of their feelings or overall financial state. Tax fraud, wire transfer scams, pyramid schemes, blackmail, and even kidnapping, with and without Kaito's aid but always with his observation. His father was more akin to a teacher, and their relationship was based more so around personal gain for either party. His father and him committed numerous crimes as he grew up, ranging from relatively harmless to life-ruining, plunging people into debt and using men, women, and children for their ploys. He was taught apathy and disgust for others; that people were tools for success, and success can only be achieved with money. Kaito agreed. When Kaito was sixteen, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, his father suddenly died from unknown circumstances.MIXED NATIONALITY | Kaito is half-Garlean and half-Doman, resulting in his inability to produce aether. As a result, he was never able to find a place with either Garleans or Domans.HIS MOTHER, THE COURTESAN | Kaito's mother was a prostitute and one of his father's multiple mistresses. She was distant and often had moments of expressing extreme distaste for Kaito, primarily due to his looks resembling his father. Despite that, she took care of Kaito by offering him room and board if he worked to bring money in and did the chores. Her shifting moods often meant he would either have nights of peace or weeks on the streets, though she would always find him again and force him to come back. To this day, he wasn't sure why his mother put up with him if she couldn't stand him. After the death of his father, his mother's mood toward him lightened up, and eventually, she was adamant in being involved in his life.FINANCE TALENTS | As a result of his father's influence, he got quite good at handling money, and even enjoyed it. When his father wouldn't spend a dime on him or his mother, often leaving them destitute, he'd handle all the budgeting, bills, and even handled booking his mother for her 'dates' as she couldn't read nor write. When she'd bring men home, he would leave and wait until the sounds in the apartment stopped, or sometimes, he would hide in the next room, trying to distract himself.LOST FRIENDS | Being constantly exposed to organized crime and gangs, even befriending his mother's clients as regulars, it isn't a surprise that Kaito was quite the delinquent as a child. Even cruel. For fun, Kaito, with the other children in the Inn he lived in would conduct their own scams or businesses selling cigarettes at high rates, bullying kids to bring them cash, or manipulating girls into relationships to give them money or guilt them into selling their underwear to adults, among many other acts. While Kaito was careful with the money he got, he and his friends would still go out to buy alcohol, cigars, and cool candy they typically wouldn't be able to afford. Anything they saw other kids get as gifts from their parents, they'd immediately set a plan to get it for themselves. As they got older, they got more violent and bolder with what they did, eventually leading to murder. The act led to the three of them getting arrested, and one getting executed. Kaito and two others being let go due to a "lack of evidence", however, that scare forced the other two to leave, blaming him for the death of their friend. He didn't deny it.THE GANG | It was during his father's funeral that a man approached him, recognizing him as his father's mentoree. There, they discussed his father, his mother, and what he often did to help his mother bring in money when he wasn't 'collecting cash' in his own way. Impressed, the man asked if he was looking for another 'job', and after discussing the overall fees and payment, he agreed. Thus, his life in the Igarashi-kai syndicate started. He began in familiar territory where he managed the money their prostitutes were bringing in, before moving onto loan sharking, large-scale scams, and 'rent collection'. From theft to murder, Kaito's life quickly revolved around gangs and criminal behavior to survive during the twenty-five-year-long military occupation of Othard. He was exceptionally ruthless and often quite monstrous in his tactics, though being in a strict environment taught him about loyalty, how to get loyalty, and the rules of respect. Unfortunately, during the final, successful rebellion that eventually emancipated Doma from the Garleans, a large-scale syndicate conflict started. With so much territory emptied out and the possibility of increased profits and equal possibility of government crackdowns, there was a frantic scramble to make alliances, wipe out weak competition, and backstab others. It was during this time that Kaito was often consistently involved in gang on gang violence, and his notorious reputation as the 'Snake of Rakuza' rose.IGARASHI-KAI | Is one of the top five syndicates currently active in the East, with a base in Kugane. It was during the internal conflicts that they eventually ended up rising through the ranks, initially being rather small and more of a union rather than a gang. They're known for their financial escapades, with a status comparable more to a business -- at least, in public opinion. Due to their charity work, some of the public even consider them a 'good organization'. However, they succeed off the backs of bodies and the suffering of those financially incapable. They often single-handedly inflate housing markets, conduct horrific insurance scams that skirt under regulation, and 'twist the arms' of companies for stocks and ownership. Houses were ripped from the hands of the silenced for development projects, and even more were killed or threatened if they didn't comply.WEAPONS AND FIGHTING RINGS | Kai is a melee combat addict and prides himself on being a jack-of-all-trades in styles and forms. He will carry a multitude of different types of weapons with him at all times, or whatever he can comfortably fit on his person anyway. He's recently starting to favour the unique utility of the Garlean gun blade, as not only is it a fantastic weapon, but it also continues to hold a rather intense symbolic fear for those in the East.


Open to all sorts of genres including psychological horror, mystery, and violent adult themes as long as all parties/companies involved are consenting and above the age of 18. NO EXCEPTIONS.Zero patience for metagamers, OOC drama, and godmodders. If you have an issue with me or are concerned with any of the content that may occur within our roleplay, please speak to me about it as soon as you can. I am more than happy to talk it out without judgment and make arrangements to make you more comfortable. Additionally, if you have any triggers you would like me to be aware of, please tell me when you can! I want to make sure both of us are having fun in a safe, happy environment.I am completely open to being attacked, kidnapped, robbed from, and everything in-between as long as the circumstances are reasonable and realistic. With this in mind, I also expect the same courtesy from you. If there is a moment where you feel yourself getting frustrated in an IC fight for whatever reason, feel free to step away or let me know. This is to prevent IC feelings from seeping into OOC, or OOC anger slipping into IC, which I find is often one of the biggest causes of godmodding and other such acts.IC =/= OOC | (Player is 19+) | AST Timezone | WU/T | M/DRPMy schedule is often chaotic and hard to predict, so I try to avoid promising a specific amount of roleplay or dedicating myself to a long-term roleplay partner. This is primarily for your sanity just as much as it is for mine.Feel free to contact me on discord if you have any questions, comments or concerns: (boxofcarrots).